Goshen Public Library and Historical Society

Across the Director's Desk

by Pauline Kehoe

November 24, 1999

At its annual dinner dance on November 5, the Gosben Chamber of Commerce honored the Friends of the Goshen Public Library and Historical Society as Organization of the Year. The library staff and trustees are pleased and proud that Our "Friends" have been so honored. This dedicated group has made significant difference in the amenties of services provided by the library.

Over the years, the Friends have provided funding to purchase comfortable reading chairs, the core audio book collection, spinner racks for the youth paperback collections, a sound system for the outdoor concerts. They have provided funding to expand our program offerings with performers of children's programs, additional discussion series, the summer ice cream social, and the annual holiday open house (scheluled this year for December 8 - mark your calendars). For the past two years they have paid for all the materials for the summer reading club. They have also established a fund to help furnish the children's area in the new library.

all of these extras are paid for from the proceeds of their annual book sales and member dues. The book sale represent hours of labor-sorting through books in a damp basement with 4 feet 10 inches of head room under the crossbeams, carrying boxes of books up and down two flights of stairs, smiling graciously at the helpful suggestions of browsers who have no idea of the reality of the obstacles these dedicated volunteers have overcome.

So hurrah to the Friends for their support - they are the group who remind us how important we are to the community; and hurrah to the Goshen Chamber of Commerce for recognizing the achievement of our Friends.

New members are always welcone. President Marge Carroll is in charge of program activities, vice-president Debbie Blake and her father Ken Hazard, coordinate the book sortuig. Acceptance of book donations has been suspended until construction in the basement storage area is complete. If you have donations, leave your name and telephone number at the circulation desk, and arrangements will be made to pick them when the basement is once again available.

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