Goshen Public Library & Historical Society

The Budget

FY 2000/2001


Real property taxes         $496,736.00
RCLS grants                    6,000.00
Library charges               17,000.00
video charges                  6,000.00
Appropriated fund balance     25,000.00

TOTAL                      $559,736.00


Salaries                    $320,877.00
FICA                          19,573.00
Medicare                       4,492.00
Worker's compensation          4,134.00
Unemployment Insurance         2,022.00
Disability insurance           1,925.00
Health insurance              18,713.00
State retirement               5,000.00
Books (adult)                 28,000.00
Books (teen)                   1,000.00
Books (juvenile)              14,000.00
Books (replacements)           1,000.00
Books (reference)              9,000.00
Compact disks                  1,000.00
Book binding                   1,000.00
Serials                        4,500.00
AV (audio)                     6,000.00
AV (video)                     5,000.00
Processing                     2,200.00
Equipment                      6,000.00
Repairs                        4,000.00
Utilities                     12,000.00
Insurance                      7,000.00
Building service               6,000.00
Custodial supplies             2,000.00
Historical room                  500.00
Publication printing           7,000.00
Programs (adult)               2,700.00
Programs (juvenile)            2,300.00
Programs (teen)                1,000.00
ANSER                         15,300.00
Postage                        5,000.00
Professional services         10,000.00

Professional services
       (new building)         10,000.00
   (office equipment)          3,000.00
Continuing education           4,000.00
Membership dues                1,000.00
Miscellaneous                  1,000.00
TOTAL                      $559,736.00

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