Our winter program session is coming to a close and we are preparing to "hop into spring" with new and exciting events. One of the highlights of the winter months was a series of fire drills during our preschool programs to alert children and parents to the exit procedures in case of fire. Children listened to stories about firefighters and put together a giant fire truck puzzle. Preschoolers also enjoyed learning about and playing instruments in our own amateur band and one of our group had a surprise visit from Peter Rabbit to complement our bunny stories.Elementary age children learned how and why a book wins the Caldecott award and they also ushered in spring by making adorable sock bunnies and playing bunny BINGO. Older children celebrated Chinese New Year with Norm Change as she cooked Chicken with Bok Choy and told Chinese folk tales. They have recenfly been learning to tell and fold origami stories. Many children have been coming in after school to use the new resources available on our computer network, including many CD-ROM products and Internet access. If you feel that your children are jumping ahead of you in these skills, stop in and sign up for one of our computer workshops.
Donna Cifarelli, our new children's services assistant has enjoyed her first series of children's programs and the children have responded well to a fresh new face and approach in Story Hour. You will all be seeing more of her as we move forward into spring and summer programming. Be sure to stop into the library to pick up flyers or check your April newsletter for registration details.