Teens were treated to various activities this summer while the library benefited from their energetic volunteer work during the six-week reading program which ended in early August. This program encouraged students in grades 7-12 to visit the library by offering projects such as T-shirt decorating, calligraphy, button making, and stenciling. The group was dubbed the "Party Animals" in keeping with this summer's statewide theme of Celebrate! Read! The upper middle and high school students also earned points towards prizes by reading and volunteering at the library. Judging by the enthusiasm, the participants had fun meeting with their peers while finding out what the library has to offer.Out of the 50 teens who registered, 32 logged more than 225 volunteer hours helping with the summer program for the younger children. Theee days and one evening a week, teen volunteers came in to help by handing out stickers and prizes to the participants in grades K-6 during preschooler story hour, Kindergarten - 1st grade Mini Storytime, and 2nd-6th grade bookshare meetings, the teens assisted with crafts, activities and games. Thanks to all the volunteers who spent time to help at the library. Their involvement added to the success of the Celebratel Read! Program for all.
Part of the summer program involved encouraging the "Party Animals" to read by creating a point system with prizes at various point levels. Participants earned 15 points each time they read a book and filled out a book review bookmark. They also earned points for volunteering. Special thanks go to the following businesses for donating items to use as prizes: The Deli on Main St., The Goshen Bakery, Goshen Hardware, Joe Fix It's, Linda's Office Supplies, New York Renaissance Faire, and United Goldsmith Jewelers. Many of the prizes were distributed at the final gathering for the "Party Animals" which included cake decorating (and eating) and an ESP demonstration.
On Thursday. August 5, about 20 volunteers helped us put on our "Festive Finale" - a carnival-like paaty on the front lawn of the library. These teens ran activities such as monster bean bag toss, miniature golf, fishing, face art, tin can walk and frog toss for preschool through 6th graders while Mrs. LaRocca and I handed out certificates to more than 100 summer reading club participants. Blueberry Mountain Ice Cream, provided by the Friends of the Goshen Library, was the final reward. The weather cooperated and everyone had a great time. Thanks to the volunteers who made the day run so smoothly.
A Teen Advisory Group is being formed to provide program and collection development ideas to attract more teens to the library. The first meeting was held on August 9 and the group will continue to meet on a regular basis. All teens are welcome.