Search for library items through
You may search our library's public access catalog for books and other items using WebPAC. Click here to access this service, then click on Ramapo Catskill Library System when you reach this page.
Alternatively, you may access Java WebPAC, an enhanced edition of our online catalog, which includes such features as checking your library card and placing holds on library items. Items placed on hold are sent to this library. No holds can be placed on items currently on the shelf at this library. Only Java WebPAC permits holds.
Please note: WebPAC requires a Java-enabled browser (such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer). A user guide is also available for additional guidance on this service.
Email Notification Service
The Goshen Public Library will now use email to quickly and efficiently notify patrons that "the book you requested has arrived." This new service is available to any patron with an email address.
Please realize that we consider library records to be private and confidential. Many people share email addresses among several family members. We do not recommend that shared email addresses be used to communicate library information.
While the U.S. Mail offers a federally enforced guarantee of confidentiality of mail, there is no such guarantee of confidentiality for email communications. Although we feel that our email is reasonably secure, we cannot offer you a guarantee that information is confidential once it travels through the Internet.
The delivery of an email notice depends on the library's Internet Service Provider, your local ISP and their mid-level provider, and any links in between. If an email notice cannot be delivered, telephone notification will be made instead. If there is a pattern of undeliverable email, you will be removed from this special service and only notified by telephone.
A current valid library card is required.
You may register for email notification by clicking here.